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SXM Airport Teams up with Nature Foundation in Tree Planting Project

Some of the palm trees planted at the Belair Beach courtesy of SXM Airport.(SXM photo)
SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (Friday, December 5, 2014)— The Princess Juliana International Airport, SXM, in collaboration with the Nature Foundation has embarked on a tree planting project to replace some of those uprooted or damaged by Hurricane Gonzalo and provide much needed shade at the Belair Beach.
“Ours is a long-standing partnership with the Nature Foundation,” said Regina
LaBega, SXM managing director. “Planting trees for shade or for beautification is not
only good for the environment, it is a re-affirmation of life, especially after a hurricane
like Gonzalo that seemed to have targeted our greenery.”
Tadzio Bervoets, manager of the Nature Foundation, remarked that he was
impressed by the work of the contractors who planted the trees.
“I was at the tree planting and I must say it looks very good. The guys are doing
an excellent job and I have already had very positive feedback from the community
regarding the project,” Bervoets said. He thanked SXM Airport for initiating the project
and seeing to its execution.