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SXM Airport Hosts Dinner for ATC Staff

SXM Airport personnel and managing director, Regina LaBega (3rd L), having fun during the raffle pick at the ATC dinner for Air Traffic Controllers Day. (SXM Airport photo)
SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (Tuesday, November 4, 2014) - Not even Hurricane Gonzalo could dampen the spirits of the Air Traffic Controllers of the Princess Juliana International Airport, SXM, who were recently treated to a special dinner by the management of the airport, following the forced postponement of the celebration of Air Traffic Controllers Day.
Over 30 ATC staff, accompanied by their guests were joined by Michel Hodge, Chairman of the Holding Company and Regina LaBega, SXM Airport’s managing director for what the latter described as “a very warm, fun, and lively get-together dinner” at the Basilico Restaurant in Cupecoy.
“It was a very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves,” LaBega said.
Two of the Air Traffic Controllers were lucky winners of a raffle held at the dinner. They are student Controller, Cassidy Hendricks and ATC Controller, Rene Guishard. The winners received an iPAD Air and an iPAD mini respectively.
“Our Air Traffic Controllers are among the best anywhere. They play a very critical role in the operations of the airport, and deserve to be recognized for their dedication and professionalism,” LaBega said.