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After re-branding, demand for ad space on SXM jet bridges soars
Simpson Bay, St. Maarten (Friday, Feb. 8, 2013) - Following the successful rebranding of the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), demand for advertising space on the jet bridges has been overwhelming, says Managing Director, Regina LaBega.
"As a result of the recent rebranding of the airport, we have noticed an overwhelming surge in demand for advertising space on our four jet bridges," LaBega said.
"This is a clear indication of confidence in the SXM brand and a welcome development in terms of improving the revenue stream from our non-aeronautical sources in accordance with our strategic plan," she added.
At the official launch of the SXM brand, LaBega had noted that the "whole aim is to re-position the Princess Juliana International Airport as a leading hub in the Caribbean and to promote our ultra-modern facilities and the quality of our services."
LaBega had further added that "it was a strong belief in the re-branding efforts of Princess Juliana International Airport that tipped the scales in our favor for Moody's to grant us a rating of Baa2," which in turn paved the way for Nomura Securities International to underwrite the bond issue of US$132 million recently closed in New York to fund the airport's Capital Improvement Program.
Staff of Lexwell Attorneys, a member of the SXM Airport family, had been given a tour of the facilities as the first advertisers on the jet bridges.
"We are proud to have contributed to our island's world-renowned airport and our team of attorneys is thrilled to be the first exclusive advertisers to be featured on the jet bridges," said Mark Kartenoever, partner at Lexwell Attorneys.
"We applaud the airport for their innovative initiatives such as the advertising opportunities on the jet bridges where hundreds of travelers each day will see these ads creating an invaluable opportunity for local and regional businesses," he added.
I thank you.